shart ke saath example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Latest शर्त के साथ shart ke saath news and headlines :
1. भारत एक शर्त के साथ 200 विदेशी लड़ाकू विमान खरीदने को तैयारlivehindustan.com2. - मीडिया रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक, डायरेक्टर चौबे के ऑफर पर एक शर्त के साथ तीनों स्टार अपने मार्केट रेट से आधी फीस पर मूवी में काम करने को तैयार हो गए थे

Given are the examples of hindi word shart ke saath usage in english sentences. The examples of shart ke saath are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., conditional.

The conditional formatting is displayed in a text control when the value of text control meets a specified criteria or a set of specified criterion.

In order to create conditional format, right click at text box to be conditionally formatted when in design mode, followed by conditional formatting item of right click window.
Access responds by providing conditional formatting window which appears as follows : Conditional formatting window, as shown above, is divided into two parts: the default setting and condition- Since the formatting is to occur on the basis of a field value, the criteria list control can be used to select greater than and Rs.
At the most three conditions can be set up for conditional formatting.
Click OK to apply the conditions and click Delete to remove the conditional format.
Provide conditional formatting of amount so that its colour turns ino red as and when an expense voucher exceeding Rs.
This is achieved by a right click at text box for amount to get short-cut window so that conditional formatting item is selected.
A conditional formatting dialog appears in which condition- 1 is to be given as Field value greater than Rs.
Click colour icon to select Red colour in condition- Click OK to close the conditional formatting dialog.
The specified criteria result in a conditional expression, which is shown after the WHERE clause of SQL statement.
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